JLS in Courtroom cropped 2Police Misconduct Attorney Jerry L. Steering has been suing the police since 1984 for constitutional violations such as false arrests, police brutality / excessive force, malicious criminal prosecutions, wrongful death cases and first amendment retaliation cases. Mr. Steering sues the police in federal court against police agencies in Corona, California, and throughout the State of California. Mr. Steering is an Expert and Specialist in suing the police in federal court; the venue where almost all Police Misconduct Civil Rights cases get tried.


If you are falsely arrested, or subjected to a police beating, or otherwise mistreated by a Corona police officer, don’t bother complaining to the Corona Police Department about the outrages perpetrated against you. It won’t do any good.

The “Police Scorecard” rating for the Corona Police Department is flat-out terrible. Only 5% of Police Misconduct Complaints to the Corona Police Department are sustained (found to be true). 

Moreover, 0% of the Excessive Force Complaints and 0% of the Criminal Misconduct Complaints against Corona Police Department Police Officers are sustained (found to be true). See, Police Scorecard, Corona Police Department.

LAPD Batting Practice in the ParkMoreover, rather than disciplining its own police officers for outrages perpetrated against civilians, the Corona Police Department routinely procures the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office to criminally prosecute the innocent victims of false arrests and police beatings for some imaginary “resistance offense”, such as for bogus violations of Cal. Penal Code § 69 (resisting police with threat or use of force or violence, the resistance offense du jour these days), Cal. Penal Code § 148(a)(1) (misdemeanor resisting / obstructing / delaying peace officer), Cal. Penal Code § 243(b) & (c), (subsection “(b)” being misdemeanor battery on peace officer and subsection “(c)” being felony battery on peace officer causing injury) and Cal. Penal Code § 245(c) (felony assault on peace officer with deadly weapon, or by means likely to result in great bodily injury).

Their behavior is truly shameful.


Chief Justice John MarshallAs Chief Justice John Marshall stated in Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803):

“It is a general and indisputable rule that where there is a legal right, there is also a legal remedy by suit or action at law whenever that right is invaded.” 

The converse of that statement is equally true. That is, if there is no realistic and practically attainable remedy to enforce a constitutional right, then there is no right at all. Constitutional rights only exist to the extent that they can be enforced, so if for whatever reason you cannot enforce them, they do not exist for you.

Because most Police Misconduct Civil Rights Cases involve the police violating your federal constitutional rights, most Police Misconduct Civil Rights Cases end up in federal court. Under the 7th Amendment to the United States Constitution, both sides to a civil case in federal court have a right to a trial by jury if the amount sued for exceeds $20.00 (a 1791 figure). Also, in federal court there has to be a unanimous verdict. Fed. Rules Civil Proc. 48.

People who don’t worship the police rarely actually make it to sit on a jury in a Police Misconduct Civil Rights case. Any prospective juror who has either had a bad experience with the police, or doesn’t believe that police officers don’t do bad things to people who don’t deserve it are either excused for cause by the Judge, or excused from sitting on the jury via the police officer’s lawyers exercising their peremptory jury challenges.

Therefore, in order to enforce your federal constitutional rights you need to be able to persuade a unanimous jury of cop-lovers to vote for you, and to condemn the police. 

If you cannot achieve that then you have no federal constitutional rights, because in the real world of cop-loving jurors, you cannot win your case.


Jerry L. Steering with Diane Sawyer

Jerry L. Steering has a long track record of successfully suing the police and the Sheriff’s Department in San Bernardino County. See Mr. Steering San Bernardino County Police Misconduct Attorney Homepage for sample of various successful Police Misconduct Civil Rights lawsuits against in San Bernardino County.

Because Mr. Steering has been suing the police since 1984, he had the experience, the knowledge and the savvy to maximize your chances of actually wining your Police Misconduct Civil Rights lawsuit. As the old saying goes: “The young lawyer knows the law, but the old lawyer knows the Judge”.

If you have been the victim of Police Misconduct, we can help you. Call (949) 474-1849 or email Mr. Steering at jerry@steeringlaw.com

Police Misconduct Specialties:
  • Excessive Force
  • Concealing Evidence
  • Destroying  Evidence
  • False Arrest
  • K-9 Maulings
  • Malicious Prosecution
  • Police Beatings
  • Police Brutality
  • Police Shootings
  • Whistle Blower Retaliation
  • Wrongful Death

Screen Capture of Jerry Steering on CNNFREE CASE EVALUATION

Wrongful police beatings, accompanied by their sister “false arrests”, are a common and every day occurrence in Corona. These beating, shooting and false arrests, are no longer limited to persons of color. Soccer Moms, airline pilots and school teachers, beware: because of the great (and ever expanding) powers being given to police officers by the Supreme Court, described below.

Police Misconduct Specialties:
  • Excessive Force
  • Concealing Evidence
  • Destroying  Evidence
  • False Arrest
  • K-9 Maulings
  • Malicious Prosecution
  • Police Beatings
  • Police Brutality
  • Police Shootings
  • Whistle Blower Retaliation
  • Wrongful Death