Police Misconduct Attorney Jerry L. Steering has been suing the police since 1984 for police brutality, false arrests, malicious criminal prosecutions and First Amendment retaliation cases. Mr. Steering in an Expert and Specialist in suing the police in federal court for constitutional violations in the City of Yorba Linda, throughout Orange County, and throughout the State of California. Mr. Steering has also sued the government as far away as in federal court in Alabama and in the District of Columbia. Mr. Steering many years of experience and acquired knowledge can help you maximize your chances of actually winning your Police Misconduct Civil Rights case, and winning is the only thing that matters. As the old saying goes, “The young lawyer knows the law, but the old lawyer knows the Judge”. THE POLICE IN YORBA LINDA ARE OFTEN BRUTAL AND ARE INSTITUTIONALLY DISHONEST. The City of Yorba Linda contracts with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department for Police Services. The Orange County Sheriff’s Department deputies who patrol the City of Yorba Linda deploy out of the Yorba Linda Station, located at 20994 Yorba Linda Boulevard, Yorba Linda, California. Unfortunately, in light of recent United States Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Opinions that have basically given the police carte blanche to shoot and kill just about anyone who presents an actual or even potential threat to the police or to the community. See, Plumhoff v. Rickard, 572 U.S. 765 (2014) (permitting police to shoot fleeing motorist driving by police who presented no imminent threat to them or others). See also, Napouk v. Las Vegas Municipal Police Department, No. 23-15726 9th Cir. (2024) (defendant police officers awarded qualified immunity for shooting man holding long metallic object who approached them). Although the Orange County District Attorney’s Office will invariably always find shootings by Orange County police agencies as justified (See, Orange County District Attorney’s Office Officer-Involved Shooting Reports), when these same cases are tried to juries, the same cases are often found to be completely unjustified. For example, a jury awarded $3.4 million to the parents of an unarmed man who was fatally shot by an Orange County sheriff’s deputy in the parking lot of a Yorba Linda motel in 2016. See, Parents said their son’s death was excessive force by an O.C. deputy. A jury agreed, Los Angeles Times, April 30, 2019. See also, Suspect Wounded in Deputy-Involved Shooting in Yorba Linda, KNBC4 News, August 10, 2013. See also, Mom sues over knife-wielding son’s death by sheriff’s deputy, Orange County Register, July 22, 2014 (deputy awarded Medal of Valor for killing Connor Zion, while 9th Circuit Court of Appeals finds that the same deputy was guilty of outrageous conduct in “terminating” Connor Zion, by stomping on his head until he stopped breathing). See, Zion v. County of Orange, 874 F.3d 1072 (2017). Moreover, Orange County Sheriff’s Department deputies will often beat, tase, pepper-spray and falsely arrest those civilians who exercise their constitutional right to verbally protest or verbally challenge police orders or actions. See, Houston v. Hill, 482 U.S. 451 (1987) (“The freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.”) Word of advice: If you are stopped by an Orange County Sheriff’s Department deputy sheriff, keep your mouth shut, be polite, do whatever the deputy tells you to do, and you probably will come out of that contact without injury or charges. IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF POLICE MISCONDUCT, JERRY L. STEERING CAN HELP YOU. As the old saying goes, “The young lawyer knows the law, but the old lawyer knows the Judge”. Mr. Steering’s many years of experience and knowledge in suing the police can help you maximize your chances of winning your Police Misconduct Civil Rights case, and winning is the only thing that matters. Just because the police violated your constitutional rights doesn’t mean that you can do anything about it. In order to “do something about it”, to enforce your constitutional rights, it takes a great deal of experience, insights, skill and savvy. Jerry L. Steering has been suing police agencies for constitutional violations since 1984. He has the experience, insights, skill and savvy to actually win your police misconduct civil rights case, and winning is the only thing that matters. If you are the victim of police misconduct, Jerry L. Steering can help you. Call Jerry L. Steering, Esq. at (949) 474-1849, or email Mr. Steering at jerry@steeringlaw.com . Free Case Evaluation