Police Misconduct Attorney Jerry L. Steering has been suing the police since 1984 for police brutality, false arrests, malicious criminal prosecutions and First Amendment retaliation cases. Mr. Steering in an Expert and Specialist in suing the police in federal court for constitutional violations in the City of Ventura, throughout Ventura County, and throughout the State of California. Mr. Steering has also sued the government as far away as in federal court in Alabama and in the District of Columbia. Mr. Steering many years of experience and acquired knowledge can help you maximize your chances of actually winning your Police Misconduct Civil Rights case, and winning is the only thing that matters. As the old saying goes, “The young lawyer knows the law, but the old lawyer knows the Judge”. THE VENTURA POLICE DEPARTMENT IS OFTEN BRUTAL AND IS INSTITUTIONALLY DISHONEST. The demographics of the City of Ventura, California, are approximately 90% White, 32% Hispanic and 3% Black. Generally, in California, criminal street gangs are composed of Hispanics and Blacks. There are White criminal street gangs such as the Hells Angels and the Vagos, but they are not located in city centers and they are not involved in neighborhood turf wars.Ventura has its share of criminal street gangs, such as the Ventura County Varrios 805 gang, the Ventura Avenue Gangsters, Lemonwood and Surtown, whose members control the drug trade in their respective territories. These Ventura street gangs are also affiliated with the Mexican Mafia. See, Two Alleged Ventura County Gang Members Charged with Federal Felony Firearm-Related Crimes, U.S. Department of Justice, September 19, 2023. See also, Seventeen Ventura County Gang Members Linked to Mexican Mafia Charged for Roles in Mexican-Based Drug Trafficking Organization, U.S. Department of Justice, November 20, 2013, and Ventura – Gang Members Arrested For Possession Of Firearms, Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, August 21, 2019. Because Ventura Police Department police officers have to deal with these criminal street gangs on a daily basis, and because modern policing laws basically allow today’s police officer to take no risk at all of personal safety and to shoot first and ask questions later, many Ventura Police Department police officers are outrageously brutal and frankly, creepy. If you are reading this webpage, you or a loved one has already probably experience outrageous police misconduct by the Ventura Police Department. Most instances of Ventura Police Department outrages perpetrated upon innocent civilians take place in the context of “Contempt of Cop” situations. See, The “Contempt of Cop Game”; How Well Can You Play?, steeringlaw. “Contempt of Cop” situations arise when civilians verbally protest or verbally challenge police actions or orders, like demanding identification or ordering a motorist to get out of his/her car and prone out on the street or sit on the curb, for no apparent reason. When the civilian verbally protests or verbally challenges these police orders or actions, they are now deemed to be in “Contempt of Cop“, and are often then beaten or tased or pepper-sprayed, and then falsely arrested and maliciously prosecuted for some fabricated “resistance offense”, such as violation of Cal. Penal Code § 69 (resisting officer with force), Cal. Penal Code § 148(a)(1) (resisting/delaying/obstructing a officer), Cal. Penal Code § 240/241 (assault on officer), Cal. Penal Code § 242 / 243(b) & (c) (battery on officer causing injury) and Cal. Penal Code § 245(c) (assault on officer with weapon). IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF POLICE MISCONDUCT, JERRY L. STEERING CAN HELP YOU. As the old saying goes, “The young lawyer knows the law, but the old lawyer knows the Judge”. Mr. Steering’s many years of experience and knowledge in suing the police can help you maximize your chances of winning your Police Misconduct Civil Rights case, and winning is the only thing that matters. Just because the police violated your constitutional rights doesn’t mean that you can do anything about it. In order to “do something about it”, to enforce your constitutional rights, it takes a great deal of experience, insights, skill and savvy. Jerry L. Steering has been suing police agencies for constitutional violations since 1984. He has the experience, insights, skill and savvy to actually win your police misconduct civil rights case, and winning is the only thing that matters. If you are the victim of police misconduct, Jerry L. Steering can help you. Call Jerry L. Steering, Esq. at (949) 474-1849, or email Mr. Steering at jerry@steeringlaw.com . FREE CASE EVALUATION