JLS in Courtroom cropped 2Police Misconduct Attorney Jerry L. Steering has been suing State and Local Police Officers since 1984 for false arrests, police brutality / excessive force, malicious criminal prosecutions and wrongful death cases. Mr. Steering sues the police in Cerritos, California, and throughout the State of California. Mr. Steering is an Expert and Specialist in suing the police in federal court; the venue where almost all police misconduct cases are tried because most such cases involve the violation of federal constitutional rights of civilians.


The City of Cerritos contracts its police services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

The Cerritos station for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is located at 18135 Bloomfield Ave. Cerritos, CA 90703

Although many, if not most Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputy sheriffs are decent deputies doing a difficult job and often go out of their way to actually “Protect and Serve” the people of Los Angeles County, based on his many years of experience with that agency, this author estimates that 10% of those deputies are cruel, brutal, dishonest and actually enjoy and revel in beating, or even shooting innocents, and thereafter framing them for some imaginary “resistance offense”. This is not lefty propaganda; this is reality.

At its core, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is a brutal criminal organization that is run at the station level by various deputy gangs; no joke. This is not left propaganda. This is reality. See, Gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Wikipedia.

The Los Angeles County’s Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission released a scathing 70-page report in 2023, calling deputy gangs a “cancer” in the department with a history going back to at least 1973. The 3000 Boys, Wayside Whities, Banditos and Reapers are just a few of at least 10 mentioned in the report.

LASD Sheriff Robert Luna 2On September 19, 2024 Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna has promised to disband these deputy gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. See, Gangs within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department are banned with new policy, CBS News, September 19, 2024.

That promise, however, is just another hollow promise that has no practical chance of being carried out.

Even though as far back as 2021 the California legislature banned deputy / police officer gangs in California police agencies, nothing was done to enforce that legislation.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is still run by deputy gangs, and all of the lip-service paid toward banning deputy gangs in that agency has done nothing to stop those gangs from running the department. See, Sheriff’s Department announces long-awaited policy banning deputy gangs. Los Angeles Time, September 18, 2024. Notwithstanding the enactment of Cal. Penal Code Section 13670, nothing has been done to abolish Deputy Gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, or in any other California police agency; nothing. See, Sheriff Alex Villanueva is Obstructing Attempts to Eradicate Deputy Gangs from the LASD, Loyola Law School, April 21, 2022.

Accordingly, the City of Cerritos is to this day patrolled by those deputy gangs. If you are pulled over in your car by a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in Cerritos or elsewhere, don’t give them an excuse to beat you to a pulp and falsely arrest you. Shut your mouth and cooperate with the deputy. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if you are pulled out of your car, slammed down onto the road, tased, pepper-sprayed and then taken to jail on some phony “resistance offense”.


If you are the victim of police misconduct, Jerry L. Steering can help you. Call Jerry L. Steering, Esq. at (949) 474-1849, or email Mr. Steering at jerry@steeringlaw.com .

Screen Capture of Jerry Steering on CNNFREE CASE EVALUATION

Police Misconduct Specialties:
  • Excessive Force
  • Concealing Evidence
  • Destroying Evidence
  • False Arrest
  • K-9 Maulings
  • Malicious Prosecution
  • Police Beatings
  • Police Brutality
  • Police Shootings
  • Whistle Blower Retaliation
  • Wrongful Death

See also, Cerritos Police Brutality Excessive Force Attorney