Mr. Steering interviewed about Jovan Jimenez case Malicious criminal prosecutions of the victims of police abuse are rampant; especially for patently ambiguous and constantly abused “resistance offenses” like “resisting / obstructing / delaying a peace officer in performance of duties“ or “preventing / deterring public officer from performing duties“. When the police falsely arrest you or beat you or do other terrible things to you, with few exceptions, the police almost always at least to attempt to procure your bogus criminal prosecution, when you were the victim and they are the criminal. This is no joke. This is normal. This is the world in which you live. They do this to shift the blame from them to you and to preclude you from being able to successfully sue them. To see the laws on and remedies for malicious criminal prosecutions see our full article “Malicious Criminal Prosecutions” and “Can You Sue The Police For Malicious Criminal Prosecutions?“. Free Case Evaluation