Irvine Police Misconduct Attorney Jerry L. Steering has been suing the police since 1984. Mr. Steering practices sues the police Irvine, California and throughout California.

JLS in CourtroomJerry L. Steering is a Specialist and Expert in Suing the Police for violations of your federal and California state Constitutional Rights, such as False Arrests, Excessive Force * Police Brutality, Wrongful Death Claims, including Police Shootings and Smotherings and Malicious Prosecutions.


The only rights that you have in this country, are those rights that in the real world, you can enforce. A right that you cannot enforce is no right at all; it doesn’t exist in the real world.

The only way that you can enforce your rights in Irvine, California, in Orange County, or anywhere in the United States is to have a mostly white, generally conservative and mostly cop-loving jurors vote for you and condemn the police in lawsuit in federal court in Santa Ana, Orange County, California.

Because police outrages such as false arrests, police brutality / excessive force, wrongful deaths and malicious criminal prosecutions, violate federal constitutional rights. Accordingly, these Police Misconduct Civil Rights cases almost always end up in federal court. In federal court all parties to civil actions (i.e. suing for money) have a right to a trial by jury under the Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Jurors in courtroomIn the real world of federal Court in Orange County, with real federal Judges and real mostly white, mostly conservative, mostly cop-loving jurors, it doesn’t matter what the law says, or what the jury instructions state, or what the evidence shows at your trial, if you cannot get those cop-loving jurors to vote for you and to condemn the police officer who you are suing. It’s really that simple. A right without a remedy is no right at all.

I takes decades of experience of suing the police in federal court for constitutional violations to first even get to a jury (i.e. getting by motions for summary judgment and motions to dismiss), and if you do, getting those cop-loving jurors to vote for you and to condemn the police officers who you are suing.

Jerry L. Steering has been suing the police in federal court since 1984. He has been suing the police in Orange County since 1986 and has the experience to win your lawsuit.

As the old saying goes: “The young lawyer knows the law, but the old lawyer knows the Judge”.


Even “bad-apple cops” usually don’t just pull motorists over and without any provocation or exchange between the Officer and the motorist, just started beating them. Usually police beatings and false arrests are the product of snowballing events.

Here is a common scenario where police beatings and false arrest occur; traffic stops.

Irvine Police Officer making traffic stop 2The officer pulls the motorist over with his/her red and blue lights.

When the officer contacts the motorist, he/she acts rudely to the motorist and orders them to get out   of their car.

The motorist questions the officer and demands to know what they did wrong to prompt such an order and demands to have a police supervisor come to the scene.

The officer then points his/her gun or taser at the civilian and again orders them to exit their vehicle, and when they do the officer begins patting-down the motorist for weapons, even though the officer has no belief that the motorist is armed or dangerous.

The motorist then makes nasty comments about the officer, and the officer responds by slamming the motorist again their vehicle, throwing them to the ground and proceeding to beat them, all while yelling “stop resisting, stop resisting”.

The officer then calls for back-up, and arrests the motorist for some imaginary resistance offense, and takes the motorist off to jail.

Thereafter, the officer procures the Orange County District Attorney’s Office to file charges of “resisting arrest”, “battery on peace officer, or worse, to shift the blame for his / her use of force upon you. See, The “Contempt of Cop” Game; How Well Can You Play.

Although the Irvine Police Department is more professional than the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and other police agencies in other Orange County cities, the Irvine Police Department still has its bad-apple cops. If you are reading this web page, you probably have met one of them.

Mr. Steering has been suing the Irvine Police Department for over thirty years, and has obtain substantial awards / settlements from Irvine for unreasonable force and false arrests. He has obtained $400,000.00 from the City of Irvine for a sex assault by former Irvine Police Officer David Park, even though he was acquitted for that sex assault in his criminal case. See, Ex-Irvine officer acquitted.

If you have been the victim of Police Misconduct, including an officer from the Irvine Police Department, we can help you.

Call Jerry L. Steering, Esq. at (949) 474-1849 or email Mr. Steering at jerry@steeringlaw.com

Screen Capture of Jerry Steering on CNNFree Case Evaluation