Photo of burglar cutting phone line
Burglar cutting phone line

Cal. Penal Code Section 591 – Cutting or disabling a telephone line the California statute that criminalizes cutting or destroying / interfering with a phone line. In a nutshell, the statute is meant to criminalize interfering with the ability of another to communicate with the police or other from whom they might summon aid. For example, in a Domestic Violence situation, one party might smash their cell phone or land line to prevent the other from calling the police.

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Cal. Penal Code Section 591 provides:

A person who unlawfully and maliciously takes down, removes, injures, disconnects, cuts, or obstructs a line of telegraph, telephone, or cable television, or any line used to conduct electricity, or any part thereof, or appurtenances or apparatus connected therewith, including, but not limited to, a backup deep cycle battery or other power supply, or severs any wire thereof, or makes an unauthorized connection with any line, other than a telegraph, telephone, or cable television line, used to conduct electricity, or any part thereof, or appurtenances or apparatus connected therewith, is subject to punishment by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine, or by imprisonment in a county jail for 16 months, two or three years pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 and a fine of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

If you are the victim of bogus allegations of violation of Cal. Penal Code Section 591, we can help you.

Photos of Jerry L. Steering with Bob Dole, Diane Sawyer and Melvin Belli
Jerry L. Steering with Bob Dole, Diane Sawyer and Melvin Belli